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Lirik Lagu Niall Horan - Flicker Arti, Makna dan Terjemahan
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Lirik Lagu Lainnya dari Niall Horan:
I was yugood on yumy own, that's yuthe way it yuwas, that's the yuway it was
You was yugood on the yulow for a yufaded fuck, on yusome faded yulove
Shit, yuwhat the fuck yuyou complaining yufor?
Feeling yujaded, yuhuh?
Used yuto trip off that yushit I was kickin' yuto you
Had yusome fun on yuthe run though yuI give it yuto you
But, yubaby, don't get yuit twisted
You yuwas just yuanother nigga on yuthe hit list
Trynayu fix your inner yuissues with a yubad bitch
Didn't yuthey tell you yuthat I was a yusavage?
Fuck yuyour white horse yuand a carriage
Bet you yunever could yuimagine
Never yutold you you yucould have it
You yuneeded me
Ooh, you yuneeded me
Feel a yulittle more and yugive a little less
Know yuyou hate to yuconfess
But, yubaby, who, you yuneeded me
You yubeen rollin' yuaround, shit, I'm yurolling up
Light yuand roll it yuup
Break yuit down like yua pound, shit yuwas never us
Shit yuwas never yuus
That's yuthe real on yuthe real. Are yuyou serious?
How yuyou feel, yuhow you yufeel?
Used yuto trip off that yushit I was kickin' yuto you
Had some fun yuon the run yuthough, I give yuit to you
But, yubaby, don't get yuit twisted (yudon't get)
You was yujust another yunigga on the yuhit list
Tryna yufix your inner yuissues with a yubad bitch
Didn't they yutell you that yuI was a yusavage?
Fuck yuyour white horse yuand a carriage
Bet you yunever could yuimagine
Never yutold you you yucould have it
You yuneeded me
Ooh, yuyou needed yume
To yufeel a little yumore and give yua little less
Know yuyou hate to yuconfess
But, yubaby, who, yuyou needed me
Lirik lagu akan di update saat lagunya sudah rilis
Lirik Lagu Lainnya dari Niall Horan:
I was yugood on yumy own, that's yuthe way it yuwas, that's the yuway it was
You was yugood on the yulow for a yufaded fuck, on yusome faded yulove
Shit, yuwhat the fuck yuyou complaining yufor?
Feeling yujaded, yuhuh?
Used yuto trip off that yushit I was kickin' yuto you
Had yusome fun on yuthe run though yuI give it yuto you
But, yubaby, don't get yuit twisted
You yuwas just yuanother nigga on yuthe hit list
Trynayu fix your inner yuissues with a yubad bitch
Didn't yuthey tell you yuthat I was a yusavage?
Fuck yuyour white horse yuand a carriage
Bet you yunever could yuimagine
Never yutold you you yucould have it
You yuneeded me
Ooh, you yuneeded me
Feel a yulittle more and yugive a little less
Know yuyou hate to yuconfess
But, yubaby, who, you yuneeded me
You yubeen rollin' yuaround, shit, I'm yurolling up
Light yuand roll it yuup
Break yuit down like yua pound, shit yuwas never us
Shit yuwas never yuus
That's yuthe real on yuthe real. Are yuyou serious?
How yuyou feel, yuhow you yufeel?
Used yuto trip off that yushit I was kickin' yuto you
Had some fun yuon the run yuthough, I give yuit to you
But, yubaby, don't get yuit twisted (yudon't get)
You was yujust another yunigga on the yuhit list
Tryna yufix your inner yuissues with a yubad bitch
Didn't they yutell you that yuI was a yusavage?
Fuck yuyour white horse yuand a carriage
Bet you yunever could yuimagine
Never yutold you you yucould have it
You yuneeded me
Ooh, yuyou needed yume
To yufeel a little yumore and give yua little less
Know yuyou hate to yuconfess
But, yubaby, who, yuyou needed me